VTF Warehouse and Logistics Academy - September

This twelve day course helps you gain Warehouse and Logistic sector recognised certificates, with the option of a guaranteed interview with a recruiting employer.

It's a practical course which includes short work placement at the Foods Depot in Edinburgh. You will also receive support to help you look for a job in the Warehouse & Logistic sector.

This training will focus on preparing to apply for roles such as Warehouse Operative, Packer and Picker, Assembly Operator and/or Machine Operator/Process Worker.

Where: Cyrenians Flavour and Haver Community Cook School, Jane Street and Norton Park, Edinburgh
When: 30th September to 15th October
Costs: Free
Prerequisites: Edinburgh residents, 18 plus, unemployed or under-employed, not in FT education, a good level of spoken and written English.

What you will learn - course modules

Minimum 10 days certified training including:

  • Health & Safety
  • Assets/Waste Management
  • Food Hygiene introduction (REHIS)
  • Safe Moving & Handling (REHIS)
  • World Host Ambassador (People 1st)
  • Insight session from Warehouse/Manufacturing/Logistic professionals.


The practical work experience will be gained at Cyrenians Jane Street depot which is a fully operational food distribution warehouse.

Please note that modules might change based on employer needs and role requirements.

Weekly chop and chat sessions to fill up Dora the Dehydrator

Support to help you find a job

You will also get help with:

  • Guided job search activities. Helping you understand local job opportunities and specific employer requirements
  • CV building and interview technique support
  • A guaranteed interview with a recruiting employer following successful completion of the course!