• Aiming High with Action for Children

    26 August 2024

    Picture1 AFC

    Written by Deborah Condie, Children’s / Locality Services Manager, Action for Children

    Action for Children has worked with children and families for over 150 years and our vision is that “every child and young person in the country has a safe and happy childhood and the foundations they need to thrive”.

    Our employability services provide young people with the guidance they need to identify their career aspirations and to take the first steps towards achieving those goals. Through the funding provided by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Edinburgh, Action for Children offers sector-based group courses in hospitality and construction and a general employability course called Aiming High with the option of one-to-one support if none of the group options are deemed suitable for the young person.

    Aiming High offers information on a variety of different career routes through working with experts in different sectors, as well as covering transferable employability skills, for those who are not yet sure what career path they wish to take.

    Irrespective of which course a young person is attending, each one is treated as an individual. A personal assessment is completed at the start of their involvement with us, and a 6-month aftercare programme is provided to offer support during their next steps toward sustained employment.

    Whilst gaining qualifications and making positive progress are the main reasons for young people being referred to us, the softer interpersonal and social skills that they develop are just as important in enabling them to take the next steps towards gaining and sustaining employment and realising their aspirations.

    Charlie’s Story

    Charlie was a care-experienced young person referred to us b his school. He was referred with the intention of gaining employability skills and qualifications to enable him to move on to employment. Charlie faced some personal challenges during his time at school which had an effect on his learning and in turn this impacted on his confidence and belief that he could gain and sustain a job.

    The Aiming High course that Charlie attended allowed him to gain more confidence and to form ideas on what occupational area he would like to move into. After completing the Aiming High course Charlie identified a sector-based course he wanted to attend. Charlie achieved an SVQ Level 4 award, a Rehis Health and Safety certificate and a number of vocational certificates.

    Charlie applied for jobs with support from staff and was delighted to receive a job offer. Initially, Charlie was reticent to take up the offer of employment as he wasn’t sure he was ready, however with much encouragement from staff he accepted the offer and has now been in employment for over 3 months.

    Client’s name changed.

    If you would like to find out more about the courses we run at Action for Children please don’t hesitate to contact us at Deborah.condie@actionforchildren.org.uk..




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