IEE Employer Fund

The Integrated Employer Engagement (IEE) Employer Fund is a small grant fund of £500-£1,000 per business. The fund is small businesses support for job growth, stability or creation.

It is available across the Edinburgh and South East Scotland region.

The Integrated Employer Engagement team work with Business Gateway to identify funding gaps needs.


2023 IEE Employer Fund

Our Start Up small grant fund which awards up to £1000 has extended for Midlothian businesses.

Owners must be 18+ years of age, registered with Business Gateway’s Planning to Start Portal and who are in the process of developing their company and should have been trading for no longer than 24 months.

Applications are now closed.

For further information please email us

Previous IEE Employer funds

These funds are no longer active for applications

2022 Start Up Fund

The fund supported applications from Start-Up businesses. It was for individuals aged 18 years and over, established over the last 18 months. Applications from sole-traders was also welcome.

2022 Social Enterprise/Community Interest Companies Fund

This fund supported Social Enterprises/CiCs to develop their business towards changing the world for the better. To build a fairer society and more inclusive economy.

2021 (Start Up/Wellbeing fund)

Start up: The fund was to support applications from Start-Up businesses. Particularly for individuals 25+ who had started their company due to an indirect impact of COVID-19.

Wellbeing: The fund was to support micro businesses secure funding to develop staff wellbeing, maintain and enhance employment. And help them re-adjust to different working practices and to prevent any future absences.


The fund supported micro businesses secure funding to assist their business to trade safely under new government guidelines. To maintain employment, prevent redundancy or allow staff to work from home efficiently.