Fair Work Support

Are you looking to become a fairer and more flexible employer?

Fair Work is work that offers all individuals an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect. We want to support all businesses looking to put the Fair Work agenda in place.

The Fair Work Vision

By 2025, people in Scotland will have a world-leading working life. Where Fair Work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for individuals, businesses, organisations and society.


To balance the rights and responsibilities of employers and workers. Which gives benefits for individuals, organisations and society.

Outcomes of Fair Work practices include:

  • Improved mental wellbeing
  • Reduced in-work poverty
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Increased talent retention
  • Improved employee skills
  • Increased productivity

We would love to help your business start on or continue on your fair work journey.

Get in touch with the Integrated Employer Engagement Team at Capital City Partnership to discuss your needs.

Find out more about Fair Work

5 Indicators of Fair Work

1. Improving Respect at Work

Closing the Pay Gap

Health, Safety & Wellbeing

2. Improving Security at Work

Offering Stable Contracts

Paying Real Living Wage

3. Improving Opportunity at Work

Diverse Workforce

Flexible Working

4. Improving Fulfilment at Work

Access to Training & Development

Encouraging Personal Growth
and Career Progression

5. Improving Effective Voices at Work

Trade Union or Employee Representation

Clear Communication Channels

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The SCQF Partnership Inclusive Recruiter scheme helps employers to recruit more inclusively. By focusing on SCQF levels instead of traditional qualification requirements, you can widen your range of candidates. Become a SCQF Inclusive Recruiter to get access to free training and tools.

Find out more about Inclusive Recruitment Training