Green Economy Jobs

Scotland is on a green journey.

To achieve ambitious climate change goals, we need to work together across all sectors to create a workforce with the required skills and understanding of sustainability. This will drive forward a truly green economy.

This campaign aims to inform and encourage everyone to think about the impact they can make - within their own career choices.

We worked with academics, business owners, employees and industry experts on a series of short films . They explain the meaning of green jobs, by sharing real life examples and opinions on the green economy.

We invite you to watch, learn more and share our films.

Join us by making "smarter choices for a greener future!"


Watch our video

See experienced and passionate individuals from various sectors sharing their ideas and practices about making a difference.

They follow the green agenda in everyday life, their skills and careers. You can too!

Share our Passion, Join our campaign!

Get started on your journey by:

  • Sharing our full length and social media videos
  • Searching for a green economy job
  • Exploring training and volunteering
  • Finding out about green initiatives


For more information email the Integrated Employer Engagement Team at Capital City Partnership.


Our thanks to the following for their help and support!

Balfour Beatty,   Big Wildlife,  Borders Buses,  Borders College,  Central Taxis,  Changeworks,  Cireco Scotland,  City of Edinburgh Council,  Edinburgh Futures Institute,  Edinburgh Trams,  Fife Voluntary Action,  FCC Environment,  Limelight Careers Ltd,  Midlothian Council,  Millerhill,  National Mining Museum Scotland,  Scotland’s Rural College,  The Energy Training Academy,  The University of Edinburgh,  The Verdancy Group,  Whitmuir Farm

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