Privacy Notice

HELIX Management Information System

HELIX the Management Information System developed by Hanlon software is managed by Capital City Partnership. This notice is for details captured on the sign up for support form which are stored in the HELIX Management Information System.

This Privacy notice also applies to

There is a separate Privacy Policy for the website, which does not capture or store any details from the sign up for support form.

Capital City Partnership, an Arms-Length External Organisation of the City of Edinburgh Council and registered charity SCO31026.

Our contact details:

Capital City Partnership
Great Michael House
4 Links Place


This notice tells you how we store and share this information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. It also explains how you can go about viewing this data. If you have any questions please contact

This notice explains to you:

  • What the data you have provided will be used for
  • What your rights are in terms of accessing the data
  • It explains who we are, the networks that we are part of and who in terms of data protection the Data Controller is.

Benefits to You

Allowing us to store and share your data means that we can provide you with a wide range of personalised information and services which may include;

  • Employment and employability support
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Local courses
  • Skills training
  • Specialist support
  • Financial help

We are able to call upon partner organisations, where appropriate, to provide you with additional support to help you progress and, with your permission, pass information across so that partners are aware of what support you have received and what your goals are.

Collection and Storage of Data

  • We collect and store data you have given us on paper files which are held securely within our offices.
  • In addition, your data will be stored on ‘HELIX’, a Management Information System developed by Hanlon software and managed by Capital City Partnership. This system allows Capital City Partnership, the Local Authority supporting your service and NOLB Wizard - CCP to monitor services for people wishing to progress into volunteering, employment, training etc. or for people currently in work but may require some assistance to stay in work.
  • We may store information related to employability services you receive as well as your contact details, other personal data for example, your age, gender, National Insurance Number as well as sensitive personal data (for example, about your health, ethnicity and religion)
  • You can see and amend any of this information at any time, simply contact your caseworker to discuss what you will need to do. Alternatively contact our Data Protection Officer, details are listed below.
  • This information will be retained on HELIX no longer than 7 years after your last support session or for some projects this will be 7 years after a particular project has finished. This is to allow the organisations who fund the project to Audit the records.
  • In most instances the recording on HELIX is mandatory and is a condition of funding for the project as it will allow us to evidence to our funders what we have done with public money.
  • The information is held securely on an ISO27001 and ISO9001 certified data hub accessed through a security vetted data transfer protocol.
  • On certain occasions, the data on HELIX will be collated, anonymised and used to provide reports on progress towards achieving strategic goals and help to better inform policy and future actions.
  • Data is stored within the UK.

Sharing of Data

  • Whilst we are an independent organisation, we are part of the wider Joined up for Jobs network that provides support in Edinburgh and the Lothians. This is a group of services who help people into work, voluntary activities, training etc.
  • Personal information given to us will be used to check whether you already have a record on HELIX through working with another organisation.
  • If it is appropriate, we may share your data in order to match you to job and volunteering opportunities, training courses etc. and also to verify your outcomes for our funding partners.
  • We may share your data with funding organisations such as Scottish Government to allow them to audit and check on where money has been spent. This could include third party evaluators acting on behalf of a funding organisation.
  • Each employability organisation is a separate data controller for the data that they hold about you and you are required to read and sign a privacy notice for each one.

Conditions of Processing

Our legal basis for processing your information is:

6 (1) (e) It is necessary for the performance of a task which we carry out in the public interest as part of our official authority.
9 (2) (j) It is necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes, with appropriate safeguards in place.

Subject Access Request

If you, as the client, require access to the data stored in relation to the support you are receiving, in the first instance you should contact your caseworker who will be able to assist you.

Alternatively you can contact our Data Protection Officer:

Chris Nicol, Business Intelligence Manager,
Capital City Partnership
Great Michael House
4 Links Place

All requests should be in writing and you should receive a response within one month.

If you have any complaints, feel that data is being held against your wishes or generally want some advice, please look at the Information Commissioners Website

The Information Commissioners Office are the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.