• UKSPF funded projects aid South East Scotland’s journey to Net Zero

    1 March 2024

    Written by Zoe Brownlee, UK Shared Prosperity Fund Programme Officer

    UKSPF funding is now contributing to tackling climate change and the journey to Net Zero on a regional scale.  Two projects are already underway having kicked off in the latter half of 2023, and further work was approved at the end of last year. Utilising existing partnerships created through the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal, the projects will address major environmental challenges, pooling together the resources and expertise available across the region.  The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region includes East Lothian, Edinburgh, Fife, Midlothian, Scottish Borders and West Lothian Councils.

    Regional Map

    The projects are a product of the Regional Prosperity Framework (RPF), an ambitious 20-year vision to help shape public and private investment to develop the regional economy. The RPF delivery plan includes four key programme areas including Green Regeneration, Infrastructure for Recovery and Prosperity, Visitor Economy and Culture and Data Driven Innovation (DDI) Economy.

    The first project is part of The Regional Net Zero Accelerator Hub, led by West Lothian College and includes a feasibility study undertaking the initial preparation, skills mapping, and planning for a Net Zero Accelerator Hub (NZAH).  Supply-side work is being undertaken at West Lothian, Scottish Borders, Edinburgh, and Fife Colleges.  Architectural plans will be produced, and the University of Edinburgh will provide a demand analysis based on the expected Net Zero activity taking place in the six Local Authorities in the City Region Deal area.

    The second project is the Regional Climate Risk & Opportunity Assessment, led by Sniffer, an organisation that exists to facilitate collaboration on climate matters.  Sniffer will provide detailed evidence of climate risks and an economic assessment of risks and extensive public engagement. The assessment will enable the six local authority partners to identify priority actions to address climate risks. Read more on the sniffer website.

    Another regional project focusing on Visitor Economy is in the final stages of development which will benefit from UKSPF funding followed by others including an Energy Masterplan which are in the earlier stages of development.

    It is hoped that the work will lay the foundations for a collaborative approach to tackling climate change and building greener futures in the region going forward.  To find out more about the City Region Deal and Regional Prosperity Framework visit the website.


    Want to know more about UKSPF funded Edinburgh projects? Visit our UKSPF webpage.

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