Think retrofit skills


Scotland is on a green journey and we want everyone to think about the positive impact they can make to help achieve our net zero and climate goals.

Together, by transforming the ‘old into the new’ within our own homes and buildings, this will help to ensure our industries, skills, jobs and wellbeing thrive for generations to come.

This is called Retrofit and is one of the most significant contributions we can all make towards protecting our planet for the future.

To find out more and join thousands of people and businesses who are on this path too, we invite you to read on, watch and share our films and think Retrofit skills today!

Retrofit homepage

Skills for Retrofit

What's happening in your area

What can you do?

Watch our videos

To find out more, you can find further short films on our video page.

Retrofit videos page


For more information email the Integrated Employer Engagement Team at Capital City Partnership.

Retrofit homepage

Thanks to everyone who contributed to our Retrofit Sectoral Awareness Campaign activities.
We are grateful for your meaningful input, help and support!

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